Mina Bypass Macbook T2 by Ramdisk


Download tool here: Mina bypass T2


Restore the t2 machine to the latest bridge OS

After restore turn it on until you see this on screen don’t put Wi-Fi just after you see it open minaT2RActivator app and put you on dfu Mode

After bypass Done, turn on your T2 machine 

And you will see this screen that means your device is activated and now you can install macOS

To install macOS turn off your Mac and turn it on pressing Command(left)+R+Power and you can load the assistant to install macOS and enjoyed your bypassed T2 Mac

- Untethered you don’t need to do bypass if battery is empty or after reboot 

- OTA update are supported

- Can’t wipe or erase with Configurator if you do it you need to re-bypass the device again you can do it for free

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